Yoki is a 2014 stallion currently standing around 14.2hh.

He arrived at TLC in 2016 and was backed later that year.

Within 6 months of being backed, he was ridden by Hannah (9 years old) and has never put a hoof out of place while being ridden, he has lovely flowing movement and a gentle nature that is always willing to try and eager to please.

Yoki tries his best to do what is asked and to date nothing to too much for this fine young pony.  He has floaty free open movement and glides through the air.

He passed his inspection to be a registered Stud stallion with a lifetime registration with stud book with  overall mark of over 80%


He attended Horse of the Year 2018. This was his first show.   He won Supreme overall champion in hand and Reverse Champion under saddle with Sue Mesa who trained and backed him. For more pictures Click here